I’m going to tell you where my inspiration about this painting my “3 pink reasons why” came from. I visited friends of mine, lovely young family with little girls. That was my first visit at their new home in Kingston and I was pleased to see the transformation they did refurbishing this old house they bought a year ago. We talked a lot about the refurb – materials, stores, builders, changes and colour schemes.

Dominant colour in their interior is white – walls, carpets, blinders, sofas and chairs, kitchen, bathrooms. But here and there I saw light shades of grey and beige, and a hint of pink. I know why they choose the white colour – it brings light, it feels spacious, clean and pure. It is the colour of a new beginning! And I know why they have pink colour as well – because pink is sweet and girly, and traditionally the colour of love. And I decided to capture the feeling of their home on my “3 pink reasons why” canvas. This is my first reason to choose this colours for my art work.

“3 pink reasons why” and “Stormy pink”, 8″ x 10″

Secondly it resonates with my vision of home as well – light and spacious, enlighten in love and happiness. Pink has many shades and as colourful romance can bring different scale of emotions and experiences so pink is representing all the best ones. In a hope of all to be sweet, girls tend to prefer this colour among others. But do girls only like it? I think pink is for everyone!  

My 3rd why is my wish to represent the freedom in the family. “3 pink reasons why“ picture 3 tulips that are not in a bouquet, not in a garden, but still together. They are freely and mysteriously growing in the air and I hope that you can feel their confidence and independence, and at the same time the support they provide to each other. I wish every child in the world experience this type of a family. 

“3 pink reasons Why”, original oil on canvas painting, size 8″ x 10″